12 Cabecera Quiénes somos
Who are we?
We are the Integrated Management System for used industrial oils, responsible for guaranteeing the collection of this waste throughout Spain and providing correct treatment in accordance with current legislation, on behalf of our member companies that manufacture lubricants, representing 90% of the domestic market.SIGAUS en cifras - distributiva Quienes somos
SIGAUS in figures

Since 2007, we have guaranteed the collection and treatment of used oil from any point in Spain.

collection operations
of waste accumulated in over 17 years by the management network that operates with SIGAUS

that have produced 1,025,420 tonnes of base lubricants

of CO2 avoided
thanks to the waste regenerated oil compared to oil refining

of electrical energy
produced thanks to energy recovery from used oil
44 fact sheet cifras
Fact Sheet
An overview and summary of the highlights of used industrial oil management. Along with the most important details about our representativeness, economic efficiency, environmental commitment, transparency and collaboration.
19 Consejo de administración

Board of Directors
The Entity is governed by the General Shareholders Meeting, with administration and representation by the Board of Directors, consisting of 7 member companies, that hold this role for renewable periods of 5 years.
Currently, 12 companies form part of the General Shareholders Meeting, which considers the social management, approves the annual accounts and applies the result. It also names and separates the administrators, liquidators and account auditors. It can modify the articles of association or increase and decrease social capital.
7 Nuestra misión, visión y valores
Our mission, vision and values
We guarantee compliance with the ecological targets that ensure protection of our environment, we promote prevention and we take charge of the recovery and optimum final destination for this hazardous waste, used industrial oil.
To comply with the obligations of the regulations on the management of industrial waste oils, helping said compliance to be achieved by member companies and operators involved through the implementation and operation of an integrated management system.
8 cita
Since February 2011, SIGAUS has been a signatory entity on the United Nations Global Compact, pledging to implement into our strategy and corporate culture the 10 principles proposed by the UN.
11 imagen pie

Did you know...?
We were born from the commitment of a sector, the industrial oil sector, which was clear that the protection of the environment is an essential condition for economic and social progress.