20 titulo SIGAUS en cifras
SIGAUS in figures
Seventeen years of environmental protection and management.
4 QUIENES SOMOS El mercado adherido a SIGAUS
Market adhered to SIGAUS

adhered companies

brands represented

adhered market quota
4 sigaus en cifras LA GESTIÓN DEL ACEITE USADO
The management of used oil

collectors and 205 management facilities

of used oil collected

of waste regenerated

for energy recovery
Environmental benefits achieved

of new lubricants
returned to the market(1), sufficient to fill the oil tank in more than 253 million cars

of oil barrels(2)
saved thanks to regeneration

of CO2(3)
avoided thanks to treating the waste through regeneration, compared to oil refining

of energy generated
thanks to energy recovery from the used oil(4), a sufficient quantity to supply the annual consumption of 2.1 million homes(5)
11 pie Sigaus en cifras

Used oil in Spain
Parque Natural de las Hoces del Alto Ebro y Rudrón.
Castilla y León.
More than 13,000 kg of used crude oil recovered in the immediate surroundings of the Park.