36 cabecera Planta vida

Plant Life with SIGAUS
Two advergaming campaigns with a true CSR project.
The 'Plant Life with SIGAUS' and 'Plant Life with SIGAUS 2' projects were our first advergaming campaigns where, through an online game, the users had to take care of a virtual tree that could later become real. Our intention with these campaigns was to show users that with small gestures they could do a lot for the environment.
9 Distributiva campañas planta vida
Plant Life with SIGAUS
We began the campaign in January 2012, which culminated in the planting of the First SIGAUS Forest, located in the Madrid locality of Alcobendas. Approximately 6,000 registered on the game, with the first 1,000 classified obtaining one of the trees to be planted as a prize.9 Distributiva campañas planta vida2
Plant Life with SIGAUS 2
After the success of the 'Plant Life with SIGAUS' campaign, we decided to relaunch a new version of this online game, where the users were to care for a virtual tree. As a result of this initiative, which reached almost twice as many registrations as the previous one (11,000), the Second SIGAUS Forest was planted in Majadahonda.8 cita distributiva planta vida
The campaign combined a concept of advergaming and a real Corporate Social Responsibility project for the organisation, which funded the planting of 1,000 trees in the first "SIGAUS Forest", as a contribution to the reforestation of green areas and to compensate CO2emissions.