(27) Cabecera Plan Empresarial de Prevención

Prevention Plan
At SIGAUS, we provide coverage and compliance with the obligations established by the legislation for manufacturers of used oils regarding prevention. Through the Technical Monitoring Office, we provide personalised assistance to our member companies for specific aspects of prevention and for adopting measures to improve their products.(24) Intro Plan Empresarial de Prevención
In the scope of industrial oils, Royal Decree 679/2006 includes, among the obligations for manufacturers, the creation of a Business Prevention Plan in order to reduce the impact of the industrial oils on the environment.
These plans will identify the measures undertaken in order to extend the useful life of the industrial oils, thus reducing the generation of the resulting waste, improving the physical characteristics to reduce the toxicity of the used oils generated and obtaining greater use from the resources contained in the waste, thus facilitating treatment through processes of regeneration, recycling or other forms of recovery that guarantee a higher level of environmental protection.
(08) Cita PEP.
Prevention is understood as the measures adopted before a product becomes waste in order to reduce both the quantity and the content in hazardous substances and the adverse impacts of the waste generated on human health and the environment.
(24) Bloque texto PEP
The Law permits manufacturing companies to elaborate prevention plants through the Integrated Management System for used oil that they are adhered to, with the latter being responsible for drafting and monitoring of the same, although it is always the company represented which is liable for execution and compliance.
In order to channel the initiatives adopted, we provide the companies that sign up for the Business Prevention Plan with a software tool that allows intuitive identification of various forms of action and, at the same time, of registering the measures carried out in each of the lines of prevention. The results of these actions are included in the annual Prevention Plan Execution Monitoring and Control reports that we create and send on behalf of our adhered companies to the public administrations.
Business Prevention Plan of SIGAUS
In 2010, we presented our first Business Prevention Plan, with a validity of 4 years. This plan articulates 5 lines of prevention associated to 5 specific objectives: to extend the useful life of industrial oil, to improve its characteristics in order to facilitate final management of the used oil, to incorporate regenerated base oils to the formulation of new oils, to reduce the quantity or toxicity of the used oils and to guarantee production processes with the maximum levels of requirements for the environment.
At the end of the valid period for the first Plan, in 2014, we presented the second Business Prevention Plan which covers the period from 2014 to 2017. As a novelty, this Plan includes some variations to the assignment of prevention lines and measures, benefiting from a new Prevention Line (LP5) on 'Information campaigns and other awareness actions' that specifically focuses on actions related to education, communication and disclosure of good practices associated to the correct use and management of industrial oils throughout the life cycle.
In 2018 we presented the third Business Prevention Plan, which will be active until the year 2021. With respect to the previous ones, this new Plan includes a new Prevention Line, the LP7, which refers to the "Studies and innovation projects in the life cycle of lubricants ", to highlight those that implement principles of Circular Economy, and that reinforces the commitment contained in the Pact for a Circular Economy subscribed by SIGAUS in 2017. In 2022, we presented the IV Prevention Business Plan, which will be in force until 2025, with the same prevention lines as the previous plan.
84 - Planes Empresariales de Prevención - descargar

I Business Prevention Plan
Of the industrial oils adhered to SIGAUS

II Business Prevention Plan
Of the industrial oils adhered to SIGAUS

III Business Prevention Plan
Of the industrial oils adhered to SIGAUS

Report on the Execution of the I Business Prevention Plan

Report on the Execution of the II Business Prevention Plan
11 pie PEP

Did you know...?
At SIGAUS, we stay ahead of risks and prevent damages through our Business Prevention Plan, which promotes measures designed to reduce the generation of used oils and to improve the characteristics of the lubricants in order to minimise their environmental impact.