9. Mercado adherido a SIGAUS
Market adhered to SIGAUS
At the end of 2023, SIGAUS had 251 adhered companies pertaining to very different sectors. This year, this group of companies commercialised 287,675 tonnes of lubricant oil on the domestic market. The greatest demand was in the automotive sector with 57%, while 41% of consumption was in the industrial sector, with the remaining 2% used in other uses.9. Cuota de mercado SIGAUS
Market quota
The natural fluctuations of a sector as complex as that of industrial oils make it necessary to carry out a periodic study of the volume and structure of the lubricants market in Spain in order to determine the fraction of the total market which is subject to Royal Decree 679/2006 and, within this, the percentage corresponding to the industrial oils adhered to the System.11 pie Mercado Lubricantes

Used oil in Spain
Sierra de Cebollera National Park.La Rioja
On the northern slope of the mountains in the Iberian Mountain Range is the only natural space in La Rioja with the distinction of a Natural Park. We collected 1,474 tonnes of used oil from 570 manufacturers in La Rioja.