11 cabecera Mecanismos de autorregulación

Self-Regulation Mechanisms
We submit our activities to strict ethical standards through our own self-regulation mechanisms that constitute a guide for all of our actions and behaviours.9 Mecanismos de autorregulación - código ético
Code of Ethics and Competition
These represent our commitment to market neutrality, the integrity of our actions and informative transparency. The decision-makers at SIGAUS include companies that are direct competitors, therefore the neutrality and maximum respect for the free market are aspects of maximum sensitivity, compliance with which is a basic principle for each of our actions.
8 cita - Mecanismos de autorregulación
'Our Code of Ethics and Competition provides SIGAUS with a robust base for ethics and integrity that serves as a guide and inspiration for all of our actions.'
9 Mecanismos de autorregulación - Auditorías

These have the objective of supervising the correct design, implementation and effective operation of the System.The Annual Accounts are revised by EY (Ernst&Young) and the declarations from adhered companies and managers are verified by PwC. In addition, the Sustainability Report is also subject to external verification, granting greater guarantee and credibility to the information contained in the sustainability reports.
9 Mecanismos de autorregulación - Pacto mundial
Global Compact
We are a signatory of the UN Global Compact, a commitment that includes the incorporation of the Ten Principles proposed by the Compact to the company's strategic management, and that aims to compatibilise business performance with responsibility related to human rights, work practices, environment and anti-corruption. By presenting annual progress reports validated by the Spanish Global Compact Network, the measures adopted by SIGAUS to include the Ten Principles in its work are shown.
9 Mecanismos de autorregulación - GRI

We provide annual reports on our activities in the Sustainability Report, which we edit under the guidelines of the prestigious Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).The Report not only successfully complies with the various alignment services for the methodology offered by the GRI, but also has external verification through an independent auditing firm.
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Did you know...?
The capillarity of our logistics system makes it possible to collect a significant quantity of waste (equivalent to everything accumulated in the Community of Madrid) in the rural environment of the Spanish protected spaces.