36 cabecera Grand Prix

Two campaigns with 8,000 prizes
With the 'SIGAUS Grand Prix' and 'SIGAUS Grand Prix 2.0' initiatives, we carried out our largest advergaming projects. In both competitions, the participants had to travel through the management of the used oil with several fun games and a large final challenge. In each campaign, 4,000 prizes were given out, including nature routes, cinema tickets, codes to watch online films or a personalised tree in one of the SIGAUS Forests.
9 Distributiva campañas Grand prix
SIGAUS Grand Prix
Carried out in 2014, this was our most successful campaign, as supported by the over 12,000 users that registered and the 170,000 visits to the website www.hacesmasdeloquecrees.org. Thanks to this initiative, 1,000 pine trees were planted in the Fourth SIGAUS Forest.
9 Distributiva campañas Grand Prix 2

Grand Prix SIGAUS 2.0
After the success of the 'Grand Prix SIGAUS' campaign, we decided to carry out a new edition of this competition with new games and another 4,000 prizes to distribute. At the end of the campaign, over 10,000 participants were reached, and the top classified 1,000 won a tree in the Fifth SIGAUS Forest, in Leganés.8 cita distributiva Gran Prix
The participants learned about the management cycle for used industrial oil through five mini-games, thus contributing towards planting the Fourth SIGAUS Forest and having the option of winning great prizes.