Componente 12 Cabecera distributiva Gestores

At SIGAUS, we are currently working with more than 160 management companies that allow us to offer a universal used oil collection service throughout Spain.
Working with SIGAUS
The service for collection and management of used oil that we offer is covered by the contracts and agreements that we enter into with authorised management companies in all of the autonomous regions. As part of a free market environment, SIGAUS is open to contractual relations with all managers performing industrial waste oil management processes in Spain.Componente 4 DISTRIBUTIVA GESTORES. Sector gestores de aceite usado en cifras.
collections made

producers assisted

management companies

management facilities
Componente 9 DISTRIBUTIVA GESTORES. Declaraciones de gestión.
Management declarations
Through the Technological Information System (TIS), an exclusive IT tool created by SIGAUS for the control, registration and validation of the Integrated Management System operations, the managers declare the waste collection operations and the volumes treated. This is a valuable online platform that offers exhaustive information on where the used oil is generated, in what quantities, who collects it, from whom and where it is delivered to, as well as its final destination.44. Fact sheet gestores

Fact Sheet
The financing that we provide from SIGAUS to our network of about 160 management companies allows us to offer a universal service for the collection of used oil throughout Spain. We analyze the outstanding role of these agents in the waste management process, which allows their full use to return it to the market as new products.
Componente 8. Distributiva GESTORES. Financiación
The funding that we provide for the used oil management companies allows all of the used oil management operations to be economically viable, from collection to the final treatment, and particularly in rural and disadvantaged areas where the environmental impact of the waste is higher and the operations would be loss-making otherwise.
Componente 11 DISTRIBUTIVA GESTORES Sabías qué?

Did you know...?
The energy recovery from used oil in 2023 has generated the same amount of energy as that consumed by 89,164 homes.