49. Cabecera noticia formaciones UPM y UAM 2024

Training for the future: new SIGAUS Environmental Classroom sessions at the UAM and UPM

In November, SIGAUS took its Environmental Classroom to the Polytechnic and Autonomous Universities of Madrid to train students in the proper management of industrial waste oil. Students of Environmental Engineering at the UPM and of the Master’s Degree in Waste and Wastewater Management for the Recycling of Resources at the UAM learned about the SIGAUS management model and the existing regulations regarding the management of this waste. The UAM students were also able to learn first-hand about the transformation process for waste oil to obtain regenerated bases used in the formulation of new oils during a visit to SERTEGO's regeneration plant.


24. Parrafo noticia formacion UPM y UAM 2024

The SIGAUS Environmental Classroom programme continues to consolidate its presence in Madrid’s major universities to train future professionals in the responsible management of industrial waste oil, a waste that can have a high environmental impact if not properly treated. On 7 November, 50 students from the Degree in Environmental Technologies Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) attended a training session in the lecture hall of the School of Forestry and Environmental Engineering. This session addressed key aspects such as the regulatory framework of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and the generation of waste oils, fundamental to their future careers in the industrial and/or environmental sector.

32. Parrafo cita noticia formaciones UPM y UAM 2024

SIGAUS' circular economy and waste oil management training helps students from prestigious universities such as the UPM and UAM to better incorporate a more comprehensive environmental perspective into their professional future.

In the afternoon of that same day, 21 students of the Master's Degree in Waste and Wastewater Management for the Recycling of Resources at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) received training from SIGAUS on the handling and management of waste oil. To complement the theoretical training, on 12 November, the students visited the SERTEGO regeneration plant in Fuenlabrada (Madrid), where they learned about the process that converts waste oil into new lubricant bases: from the arrival of the waste in tankers at the facilities to its output transformed into a useful product in different production processes. The group showed great interest, actively asking questions throughout the visit.

The SIGAUS Environmental Classroom has been promoting training in the management of waste oils since 2018, in collaboration with different Spanish educational centres and universities. In these sessions, it addresses current regulations, the SIGAUS management model and waste recovery processes, among other aspects. Thanks to these educational activities and visits to treatment facilities, SIGAUS has already reached thousands of students from various fields, promoting a practical and realistic understanding of the circular economy, and greater environmental awareness. The active participation of UAM and UPM students in these sessions shows a growing interest in this subject, pointing to greater importance of environmental aspects in the professional world.

84. HTML video formaciones UAM UPM 2024