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Environmental awareness: SIGAUS Challenge
In 2017, we launched the first environmental awareness campaign that was accessible from mobiles, where users could comfortably participate from the app which was available on the Google Play Appstore, and was also accessible on the website www.hacesmasdeloquecrees.org and from our Facebook profile facebook.com/hacesmasdeloquecrees. Thanks to this initiative, we planted 1,000 more trees in the Sixth SIGAUS Forest, located in Collado Villalba (Madrid).24 parrafo pagina final desafio
10,700 participants and over 38,000 games played
Through four fun games, the participants travel through the different phases of the life cycle of this waste product, from its extraction and storage to its collection and final treatment, each with five levels of difficulty. During the competition, the players played for 4,000 prizes on offer, and also contributed to the planting of the Sixth SIGAUS Forest, which added 1,000 new trees to the 5,000 that were already growing in various Madrid towns due to previous campaigns.
The online competition culminated in a total of 10,700 registered players and over 38,000 games played. The winner with the highest score in the competition received the grand prize of a route through nature with 7 nights in Parador hotels. Another of the large prizes were two 3-day routes in the same accommodation network, for the most 'playful' player, the person who played the most, and the participant who most often shared the game on their Facebook profile, the most 'viral'. Other prizes, such as cinema tickets and codes to watch films online from home were given out over the three months that the campaign lasted.
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Sixth SIGAUS Forest
The SIGAUS Challenge users with the 1,000 best scores at the end of the competition received the environmental prize of a tree labelled with their name in the Sixth SIGAUS Forest, located in the Madrid locality of Collado Villalba. This new green area has 1,000 new trees of leafy and coniferous species that contribute to improving the environment and compensating the CO2 emissions.
The trees can be visited both in person and virtually through a specific micro site that will host a photo gallery of all of the trees in the Sixth SIGAUS Forest, as well as an orthophotograph viewer.