27. Cabecera Decimo Bosque SIGAUS

Tenth SIGAUS Forest
The Madrid municipality of Alcalá de Henares is home to the Tenth SIGAUS Forest, a green area of 1,000 trees thanks to which the 'SIGAUS Forests' reforestation initiative has already planted 10,000 specimens that contribute to promoting biodiversity and the fight against climate change.24. Parrafo Decimo Bosque
This new green space has served to mark the tenth anniversary of the SIGAUS Forests, an event that we also celebrated through our campaign on social networks ‘10 years, 10 forests’, based on an online quiz which allowed winners to christen the new trees being planted.
32. Parrafo cita Decimo Bosque
With this new SIGAUS Forest, there are now 10,000 trees that have been planted in various locations in Madrid and Toledo, areas that are already benefiting from these new green areas which cover more than 30 hectares.
Thanks to the agreement reached with the City Council of Alcalá de Henares, it was possible to carry out this planting of 1,000 trees over several plots of land of a total of 3.4 hectares to the south of the A2 motorway. Once the ‘10 years, 10 forests’ campaign had ended, the trees were labelled with the name chosen by the winners, who are able to visit their tree both in person and virtually through the page www.hacesmasdeloquecrees.org.
1,000 trees of varying species for the enjoyment of local residents
This new forest is home to 1,000 trees of varying species, most of them of the Pinus halepensis variety (Aleppo pine), one of the most efficient species in the absorption of greenhouse gases and which, according to data from the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, is capable of absorbing up to 31 kg of CO2 per tree in the first 20 years. This new area also features other specimens of other species, such as white mulberry, common ash, almond and hackberry trees, which will contribute to providing shady areas for sports and leisure activities for the residents of the area.