49. Cabecera noticia cuota de mercado 2020
The SIGAUS market share has risen to 88.07%
Following the latest independent study of the market for industrial oils consumed in Spain, based on data from 2020, the percentage of oils marketed by companies adhered to SIGAUS stands at 85.86%, a rate that is 1.65% up from the previous year. As majority IMS, SIGAUS voluntarily assumes an additional percentage relating to the volume of lubricant oils marketed by unidentified manufacturers, which represent an additional 2.21%. In this way, during 2021, SIGAUS will be responsible, by financing its management, for 88.07% of the used oil generated in Spain, and subject to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).

24. Párrafo noticia cuota de mercado
Current regulations governing the management of used oils establish that the companies that market lubricating oils are responsible for financing their management when these oils become waste. Given the impossibility of attributing the waste generated by these products to the manufacturers that have marketed them, it is necessary to carry out independent studies to identify the structure of this market and quantify its segments.
According to the study carried out at the beginning of 2021 by the consulting firm, PwC, based on 2020 data, the share represented by the companies adhered to SIGAUS increased by 1.65% compared to the previous study, and stands at 85.86%. This increase in relative weight occurred in a context of sharp declines in the total market, which fell by 12.9% compared to 2019, dropping for the first time below 400,000 tonnes (397,074 t), due to the effect of the pandemic.
After discounting grease, and marine oils subject to the MARPOL Convention and process, the quantity of lubricating oils subject to EPR in 2020 was 325,609 tonnes. Furthermore, after discounting industrial oils destined for the market outside of Spain, mainly in vehicles whose first fill is carried out in Spain and which are subsequently exported, the total of industrial oils marketed in Spain and subjected to EPR was 308,321 t, a figure that also fell by 13% compared to 2019.
32. Párrafo cita cuota de mercado 2020
As of 1 January 2021, the Organisation is responsible for financing the management of 88.07% of the used oil that is generated in Spain.
On this total, for which marketing companies must take responsibility according to the different regulations on used oils, the study analyses the different shares of responsibility. The share of the companies adhered to SIGAUS was 85.86%, (84.21% in the previous study). The next largest corresponds to SIGPI, with 7.08%. For their part, the share representing vehicle manufacturers subject to Royal Decree 265/2021, which regulates oils for the first fill of vehicles, or their components, was 3.95%, while manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment are responsible for 0.75%.
The study also identifies a 2.21% share relating to “free riders”, unidentified manufacturers which do not belong to any of the other fractions analysed and which are considered part of the “fraudulent sector”. As the majority IMS, SIGAUS decides to voluntarily assume this share, which has been reduced by six tenths since the previous study.
As a whole, the market share assumed by SIGAUS is 88.07%, one point up from the previous year, and therefore, as of 1 January 2021, the Organisation is responsible for financing the management of 88.07% of the used oil that is generated in Spain.
24. Gráfico cuota de mercado 2020